I'm shygoo, a retro emulation and reverse engineering enthusiast. Links to my projects are below.
Github • YouTube • TwitterNintendo 64 ROM-hacking tools
CPU and memory debugger for Project64 2.4

A branch of Project64 that includes a tool for graphics data exploration.
Many parts are not properly implemented yet and it crashes often but
it's useful for locating graphics data in N64 games.

ELF symbol identification tool for N64 RAM dumps
Web-based ROM patcher. Supports APS, BPS, IPS, MOD (Star Rod), PPF, and UPS. Partially supports VCDiff (xdelta).
Web-based byteswapper for N64 ROMs. Converts .n64/.v64 ROMs to the proper .z64 format.
A Super Mario 64 runtime memory editor I made in 2014 when the SM64 hacking scene was still maturing.
Superseded by
Superseded by
Web-based map & model viewer for Road Rash 64

Reverse-engineering notes and primitive hacking tools for Yoshi's Story

Reverse-engineering notes and a basic web-based model viewer for Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.

Superseded by

Superseded by
Reverse-engineering notes and a web-based level viewer for Mario Kart 64.

Superseded by

Superseded by
Dialog replacement utilities for Paper Mario
Basic C code injection demo for Super Mario 64. This is mostly superseded by the SM64 decompilation project,
but it can be adapted for other games.
Hack64 Rom of the Month contributions
Web-based level viewer and asset extractor for Extreme-G

Web-based level viewer and asset extractor for Stunt Racer 64

Asset extractor for Hybrid Heaven
Asset extractor for Micromachines 64 Turbo
Asset extractor for Bomberman Hero
The first ever custom level for Yoshi's Story
Dramatically increases the difficulty of Super Mario 64 by making Mario terminally ill.
You also lose all of your stars when you die.
You also lose all of your stars when you die.
Basic sound tester patch for Super Mario 64
Restores the missing HUD letters
Enables use of the analog stick
A basic web-based NES emulator/debugger.

Another basic NES emulator in Java. It comes with a plugin API for cheats and ROM hacking. I am not liable for hearing loss caused by the poor audio emulation.
N64 ROM hacking forum
Uncompiled source code and miscellaneous development material leftover in N64 ROMs
A dumb edit I made to Project64 that emulates the effects of cartridge tilting.
Source code is available here.
Source code is available here.