Infinite health: 8010F292 0063 8010F293 0063 80227B88 - write to health after taking damage 80227B44 - sum of new health, S0 is damage deducted 80277854 - load damage into S0 8027CD48 - stores damage at DC1EC 8027CD40 - jumps to command which collects damage value, from A1 into V0 802C7D84 - determines if the enemy will walk back to their original position 80311627 0001 - partner is an image from the area 741a0 - scale of background in battle 78180 - speed regulator thing CHECKSUM REMOVAL: 0x658: NOP //MAIN CODE 0x1AB5F4: DADDU A0, S3, R0 DADDU S2, V0, R0 SW V1, $0188 (S1) LW V1, $0004 (S0) SW V1, $018C (S1) LW V1, $0008 (S0) SW V1, $0190 (S1) LW A1, $000C (S0) JAL $002C7ABC ADDIU S0, S0, $0010 ADDIU S5, R0, $0002 DIVU V0, S5 {0055001B} MFLO S5 ADD V0, V0, S5 SH V0, $017E (S1) LW A1, $0000 (S0) ANDI A0, A1, $0010 ADDIU V1, R0, $FFDF LW V0, $0000 (S1) BNEZ A0, $001AB670 ORI V0, V0, $0010 DOUBLE VERSION: LUI T8, $8011 LB T8, $F2AC (T8) BEQ T8, R0, $SKIP